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Messages - zipzit

Pages: [1]
Help / Water cancels Season/ Run Name not run: System suspended...?
« on: September 11, 2019, 04:28:42 am »
I'm going thru my logs.  And I see entries like `Water cancels - Summer 5 Days per Week, Drip Irrigation - High Flow not run: System suspended`

Suspended?  What causes that?  If there is a power outage, does system revert to Suspended status?

Help / Re: API sample code?
« on: September 11, 2019, 04:12:27 am »
hi my friends
im need a matlab sample code about PID design via numeric method.
in the other word,i want to find a method for tuning of pid with optimizing a cost function.this cost functions are error criteriaITAE,ISE,IAE,....
no genetic algorithm
do you help me? 

best regards

this is unusual.  PashOvall, are you in the right forum?  We're talking about wifi enabled sprinkler controllers for watering plants and lawns.

Not quite sure where you are trying to go with this. What are you using these controllers for?   The controller output for a sprinkler system is generally binary on/off. What's to optimize?  I'd be surprised if a single user here touched Matlab or Octave . (okay, python, JS Node, maybe...)

And best practice for good for good communications is to define ALL abbreviations When First Used (WFU) style. 

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