« on: July 08, 2015, 09:48:33 pm »
In addition to BlueSpray, I also have a home automation system. I connected my rain sensor to a pair of digital inputs on the home automation system, and then connected the rain sensor input on BlueSpray to a relay output on the home automation system. With this setup, the home automation system sees when the rain sensor activates, and then can programmatically decide what to do about it. In my home automation system, if the rain sensor activates, the home automation program sends me a text message, creates a log record, and the sets the relay out to BlueSpray, thereby shutting off the irrigation. When the rain sensor deactivates, again the home automation system can decide what to do, but at a minimum it sends me a text message and creates a log record. Typically, I decide when I want to re-initiate irrigation and clear the rain sensor relay manually.