After you entered the wifi info, the controller will switch to wifi client mode and attempts to connect to your wireless router. If all information is correct, it should be able to join your home network and get on the internet. The amber light should stop flashing after it's able to sync time. The bluespray network should be gone by now because it has switched the wifi mode.
If your amber light is still flashing, it means that for some reason, it cannot join your wifi network. This could be because it is out of range or the authentication info you entered was not correct. Please make sure the wifi signal is strong where the controller is mounted. If not, you should get a wifi range extender. If your signal is good and it still cannot access your network, then you probably have entered the wrong authentication info. Make sure you typed in the passphrase correctly and you select the correct encryption method.
Finally, if it still can't get on the network, you have to start the process over by setting the controller to the default state. Just slide the reset switch to the down position for 10-20 seconds then slide it back up. The controller should enter the default state, you should be able to see the bluespray wifi network and start over again.
If you still have any questions, please do not hesitate to email our support group.