Author Topic: BlueSpray firmware v1.1 update  (Read 18355 times)


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BlueSpray firmware v1.1 update
« on: November 12, 2013, 10:55:10 pm »
We are pleased to announce the release of BlueSpray firmware version 1.1.

New features in this release:

* Phone UI: the phone UI is now functional.  You can do almost everything with the phone as tablet or computer.  The web UI will detect whether if you're using a phone and automatically switches to the phone UI.

* Calendar view: you are now able to view and cancel future runs, 1 week at a time.

* Zone watering order: no need to re-connect your wires.  Just click on the sprinkler head icon and sort the zones in the order that you want them to water.

* One click watering: single click on the zone to water, right click to edit it.  For tablet, press and hold to edit.

* Zone text color: you can change the color of the name of the zone to stand out from your background picture.

* Ability to set effective date: in schedule settings, you can set the effective date for each run.  It's helpful for runs that skip X number of days.  For example, if you want to water every 2 weeks from Tuesday (water restrictions), set the interval to skip every 13 days and set effective date to a Monday.

* Heartbeat interval: for those routers that changes DHCP IP address often.  You can set the heartbeat interval to something smaller (default 24 hrs).

Please download the latest firmware from our support page and update:

If you have any questions or problem updating, please email our support team.  Enjoy.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2013, 11:05:58 pm by bluespray_admin »